Manager of the Ecohydraulic Pole, Onema-IMFT
Presenting: Efficiency of fish-friendly intakes, bypasses associated with low bar-spacing trashracks, for downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolt
After 15 years as a University lecturer and researcher in a team working on aquatic ecological issues (Lyon, France), Pierre Sagnes is at the head of the Onema-IMFT ecohydraulics team, in Toulouse, since 2014. One of the Onema's (the French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments) missions is to manage and develop research actions aiming to provide applied solutions to enhance the quality and the functioning of freshwater ecosystems. In this context, in association with the Fluid Mechanics Institute of Toulouse, the ecohydraulics team mainly works on developing technical solutions to improve fish displacements in fragmented rivers and to better understand the relationships between hydrology, fish migratory behaviour and fish habitat.