Ingineer-Researcher, EDF
Presenting: Eel mortality during downstream migration in the Rhine : present results on eel dynamic migration, eel turbine mortality and solutions considered for the Rhine HPP
Dr Eric De Oliveira (M) joined EDF in 2005 as engineer-researcher in biology. He is involved in 2 projects. The first deals with the impact of the power plant on the marine environment and the problem of clogging of the cooling water system. The second one concerns the fish passage at hydropower plant. His research area in this project covers migration dynamics (co-supervisor of a PhD) of fishes, fish behaviours and fish passage design using telemetry methods and other methods such as optical and acoustic cameras. With other department form EDF Lab., he develops new environmental monitoring system, such as remote sensing for seabed habitat or using acoustic methods to measure the passage efficiency in fish passage devices. Before joining EDF, from 1996 to 1998, he was in subantarctic island (Crozet Archipelago), in charge of the field activities of the project “Biodiversity evaluation and ecosystem transformation in a subantarctic island”. After, he did a PhD on fish stock assessment and especially using the geostatistical approaches. In 2003, he did a postdoc with Ifremer which was part of an Interreg MESH Project. The subject of the postdoc was to develop and build methods and model to predict the distribution of seabed habitat.